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GIODO to check nasza-klasa.pl social networking website

The Inspector General's press conference on the processing of personal data by the 'nasza-klasa.pl' - social networking website.

A press conference organized by the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection was held on 16 January 2008 (11.00 am) to answer the question whether our personal data are safe at 'nasza-klasa.pl' website. The Inspector General announced that inspection activities are planned in order to check the compliance of the portal with the data protection regulations, and in particular with technical and organizational measures that guarantee appropriate protection of personal data.

Social networking at 'nasza.klasa.pl' - does a good fun of searching for old fiends pose any risk to your privacy? As the portal is one of the biggest personal data database (more than 6 million users have already logged in) and becomes more and more popular the Inspector General decided to check whether the processing of data in question is secure. The inspection activities will be focused on security measures as such a big database may pose a risk of uncontrolled data leakage. It is to be stressed that that all data sent to and from the website without any secure protocols and therefore they may be intercepted and read easily. Data protection authority wants to make the portal's users aware of existing risks because information posted by them are considered personal data and may be intercepted by unauthorized persons and further negative consequences may occur. Almost everything can be found on the Internet about every Net user. When we disclose information about us which are often of a very personal nature we are not aware of the risks of such behaviour. This information is displayed not only to your friends but also others who may use them in a way that may cause harm to us. The Inspector General would like you to be aware of the necessity to protect your privacy and personal data. We should not rather lay all our cards on the table. The latest technological developments that appear nowadays should always be used wisely.

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