Od 25 maja 2018 r. organem właściwym w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych jest Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych. Nowa strona internetowa urzędu jest dostępna pod adresem: www.uodo.gov.pl.

Materiały zamieszczone na stronie Generalnego Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych (GIODO) dostępnej pod adresem www.giodo.gov.pl mają charakter archiwalny.


GIODO - Ewa Kulesza

In the years 1998-2006 (1st and 2nd term of office), Dr  Ewa Kulesza, a lawyer, fulfilled the function of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection.

On 4 April 1998, she was elected by the Diet of the Republic of Poland for the first term office, and on 26 April 2002 she was re-appointed for the second term office.

After graduating from the Law and Administration Department at the University in Łódź, Dr Kulesza began her career as a university teacher at the same university, where she also defended her Ph.D. thesis. Dr Kulesza specialises is social law and policy. She is the author of more than 50 specialist publications in this field and the co-author of books related inter alia to the European Social Charter and the amendment of the Labour Code in Poland.

Since 1996 until her appointment for the post of the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data, Mrs Kulesza continued to work at the University of Lodz and also took up a position of judicial decisions counsellor in the Constitutional Court. Since January until April 1998 she also acted as the adviser of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.

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