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The launch of the PHAEDRA II project.

The Bureau of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection has launched the PHAEDRA II project (Improving practical and helpful cooperation between data protection authorities II) co-funded by the European Commission under the programme Fundamental Rights and Citizenship "Action grants" (JUST/2013/FRAC/AG/6068) coordinated by DG Justice. This project is a continuation of the PHAEDRA I project implemented in the years 2013-2015 in cooperation with Vrije Universiteit Brussel (project coordinator), UK Trilateral Research & Consulting LLP (partner) and Spanish Universitat Jaume I (partner).

Based on the activities undertaken in the PHAEDRA I project, PHAEDRA II is focused on identification, development and recommendation of the measures for improving practical cooperation between European Data Protection Authorities (DPAs). The main area of investigation will be aimed at identification of the factors improving cooperation between these authorities, especially in the context of the reform of the data protection framework proposed by the European Commission.

Besides the continuous works on the new General Data Protection Regulation, the project analysis will be also based on the legal frameworks actually applicable in the EU Member States. PHAEDRA II project will deliver practical instruments and mechanisms improving cooperation between data protection authorities, as well as it will elaborate the operational legal guidance. PHAEDRA II project will tackle three of the biggest challenges facing European DPAs: ensuring consistency, sharing different types of information (including confidential) and coordination and cooperation regarding enforcement activities. The duration of the project is 24 months.

The first project partners meeting was held on 20 January 2015 in Brussels.

More information on the PHAEDRA II project you can find on the project website: http://www.phaedra-project.eu/.

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